Viking CCS pipeline progresses towards DCO with statutory consultation


28 November 2022: Harbour Energy is pleased to announce that Viking CCS (formerly V Net Zero), the CO2 transport and storage network, has recently opened the statutory consultation process for a Development Consent Order (DCO) for its onshore pipeline. This is the next stage in the process to acquiring a DCO for the pipeline, a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP).

The Viking CCS onshore pipeline will enable captured CO2 from the Immingham industrial area to be transported for 55 kilometres to the site of the former Theddlethorpe Gas Terminal (TGT) on the Lincolnshire coast. From TGT, the CO2 will be transported 140 kilometres to the depleted Viking gas fields, 9,000 feet beneath the seabed, for secure permanent storage. The Viking CCS onshore pipeline is a key component in the infrastructure needed to decarbonise and rejuvenate the industries of the Humber, which is expected to make a material contribution to the UK's net zero emissions targets.

Harbour Energy, the Viking CCS project developer, began consultation with local stakeholders through public events along the proposed pipeline route between Immingham and Theddlethorpe in two stages earlier this year as part of the non-statutory consultation process. The Viking CCS project team has engaged with the local community, answered questions, and provided information about the pipeline to those who attended the events. A virtual consultation room was also opened to ensure access to relevant materials for interested parties throughout the consultation process.

The statutory consultation process will provide the local community with further information about the pipeline and its route. Viking CCS is targeting submission of a planning application for the onshore pipeline during the first half of 2023. The next major milestone would be the start of construction in 2025, which would support completion and start-up as early as 2027.

Graeme Davies, Project Director, Viking CCS, commented:
"As the UK delivers on the net zero targets, we must do so in a way that retains and promotes jobs and prosperity. The Viking CCS onshore pipeline, which is part of the wider Viking CCS project, will enable significant decarbonisation of the UK's energy intensive industries and at the same time, provide the opportunity for considerable future inward investment in the Humber region.

I would like to thank the members of the local community who have engaged with us during the first two consultation phases, and we look forward to hearing further feedback during the statutory consultation phase."


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