7 kboepd (2023 production)
The Natuna Sea Block A fields averaged 7 kboepd in 2023 (2022: 9 kboepd) reflecting natural decline partially offset by two infill wells that were completed in Q4 2022. Production was lower in the second half of the year reflecting weak Singapore demand for our gas. This followed the Singapore Government’s introduction of a temporary price cap on power prices which resulted in the preferential utilisation of LNG inventories over pipeline.

Tuna - 50.0% operated
The plan of development for our operated Tuna project was approved by the Indonesian Government in December 2022. Planned 2023 progress was materially impacted by EU/UK sanctions which prevented us, as operator, from undertaking certain further work on the project, including FEED, whilst our Russian joint venture partner is on the licence. We are working constructively with our partner and the Indonesian Government to find a path forward for the project.
Our operated interest in the Tuna offshore block close to the Indonesian Vietnam maritime border was awarded by the Indonesian government in March 2007. The c. 100 mmboe Tuna field was discovered in April 2014 and was successfully appraised via a two well programme in 2021.
Andaman - 40.0% operated (Andaman II)
Harbour Energy has built a material position in the Andaman Sea, offshore Aceh, with interests in Andaman I, Andaman II and South Andaman.
In late 2023 we announced a significant gas discovery with the Layaran-1 well on our non-operated South Andaman licence (Harbour 20 per cent interest). Layaran-1 is the first of a multi-well exploration campaign over 2023/24 targeting a major gas play across our Andaman Sea licences. This follows the material gas discovery at Timpan-1 in 2022. The Layaran gas discovery added 48 mmboe to our 2C resources which, together with the Timpan discovery, takes our total booked 2C resources for the area to 130 mmboe. Post year end, drilling at the Halwa and Gayo prospects on Andaman II commenced with operations ongoing. Once completed the rig will return to South Andaman to drill the shallower Tangkulo prospect to the South of Layaran aiming to prove up additional volumes.
For full details of our licence interests in Indonesia, see our worldwide licence interests page.