Nurturing contractor relationships to ensure ongoing business resilience
At Harbour Energy, a significant proportion of business activity is outsourced to contractors. Effective management of these outsourced activities and the contractors who manage them is a critical activity in safeguarding business continuity and operational excellence.
Our suppliers help us maintain safe and efficient operations, execute new projects and create local employment opportunities. We set out our expectations and commitments to our suppliers in our Supply Chain Policy. This includes requirements on ethical conduct; on health, safety, environment and security; and our commitment to work with suppliers on sustainable solutions.
Our Business Partner Code of Conduct sets out our expectations that our partners and suppliers will adhere to the same ethical standards as Harbour. In 2024, we introduced a third-party screening platform to assess suppliers before agreeing to work with them. The platform identifies issues such as sanctions, human rights abuse, criminal convictions and any adverse media reports. Where a supplier is assessed as high risk or an issue is identified, the potential supplier completes a more detailed questionnaire, and we then review the policies and practices the supplier has in place to mitigate any risk.
Following the Wintershall Dea transaction, we are leveraging the expanded scale of our business to further simplify and standardise.
Looking ahead
We are looking to deepen our collaboration with key contracting partners across our operations, aiming to prioritise safety, drive commercial efficiencies, optimise our cost base and to seek innovative and sustainable solutions to mitigate supply chain risks.
We will continue to audit our key contractors, applying a risk-based approach, and integrate our Group-wide supply chain management processes.